Saturday 2 June 2007

vista 内存减肥 -- services

1. Turn Windows Features on or off:只保留Games,,Remote Differential Compression
2. 控制面板--系统属性--高级--启动故障恢复--写入调试信息选择无;系统失败里面的勾全部取消.
3. 优化服务.关闭不常用的服务.运行--services.msc

@Application Experience 在应用程序启动时为应用程序处理应用程序兼容性缓存请求 大多的程序都可以运行 关闭

@**Background Intelligent Transfer Service 使用空闲网络带宽在后台传送文件。如果该服务被禁用,则依赖于 BITS 的任何应用程序(如 Windows Update 或 MSN Explorer)将无法自动下载程序和其他信息。 为自动升级等提供服务 关闭(自动更新需要)

@Base Filtering Engine 为防火墙和网站筛选提供服务 如果你对VISTA自带的防火墙和对网站都比较熟悉的话 可以关闭

@**automatic==Computer Browser(局域网)
is basing on this service, and some LAN application such as printing need it.

@Cryptographic Services用于确认 Windows 文件的签名和允许安装新程序 可以关闭
with the importance of security in Vista, this is a service you'll definitely be needing. Cryptographic Services is required for Windows Update and installing signed drivers, among other features of Vista. If you disable this, Vista will automatically set it back to Manual and start the service when needed, so there is little point in disabling it.

@Desktop Window Manager Session Manager 桌面管理 可以关闭
his service controls the Desktop Window Manager (DWM), which is responsible for Aero (transparent windows, etc). Without this service, you won't have Aero effects. DWM consumes a fair amount of RAM which increases with each window you have open (open 30 IE windows and you'll likely exceed 100MB) as well as CPU (mine typically bounces between 0% and 3% every couple seconds, but with a large amount of windows can go much higher). You can temporarily disable this one (and Aero) from a command window with adminstrator rights by typing net stop uxsms (type net start usxms to turn it back on). If you want to save memory and CPU, and are willing to sacrifice the Aero visual effects, you can safely disable this service.

@Diagnostic System Host 诊断系统主机服务启用 Windows 组件的问题检测、故障排除和解决方案 有点像事件查看器 可以关闭

@Distributed Link Tracking Client: 用于局域网更新连接信息,比如在电脑A有个文件,在B做了个连接,如果文件移动了,这个服务将会 更新信息。占用4兆内存,禁用后将无法获得更新信息,不常使用局域网的化,影响不大。

@==manual(default setting)==Distributed Transaction Coordinator
It helps applications communicate with multiple data sources as part of one transaction, acting like a traffic cop to help each request get to the proper source.

@++automatic==DNS Client
The DNSView definition in a new window Client is not specifically required to use the internet. What it does do is try to improve your internet experience. The most basic way it does this is by caching domain name addresses, which speeds up the browsing experience. This service also determines if an IPv4View definition in a new window or IPv6View definition in a new window address would be more appropriate for a domain name. In an enterprise, it can also be useful in letting the network know your PC's domain name, which can simplify finding shared resources. Though it is safe to disable this service, most users will likely end up with slower internet browsing, as well as other minor DNS related issues, so it's best to leave this one on.

@Function Discovery Provider Host(局域网)
he Function Discovery Provider Host service allows resources to be discovered over the network. One of the more notable resources that depend on this is the Media Center Extender (an XBOX that can play media from your computer), but it can also be used to discover networked cameras, printers, disks, etc. If you are fine with manually setting these items up you may be able to get away with disabling this service, but since the default setting is 'manual', you probably won't save any resources, so you might as well leave it alone.

@Function Discovery Resource Publication(局域网)

@++automatic==KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator
which assures that file and directory actions are handled properly in the event of a crash or failure. If no applications or components of Vista EVER crash, it's probably OK to disable this one, but if you value your data, you'll want to keep it running.

@**Print Spooler 将文件加载到内存供稍后打印 没有打印机的话就关闭(局域网打印机需要)

@++ReadyBoost(如果常把usb stick接在电脑上,建议保留)
  加速Vista的最简便也是最廉价的方式是使用Ready Boost技术,其使用USB闪存来扩充用户计算机的内存。一款1GB的闪存售价最低只有15美元,2GB容量闪存的价格大约稍高于1GB闪存价格的两倍。  怎样才能知道适合自己计算机的闪存容量?ReadyBoost 支持的最小容量是256MB,最大为4GB。微软推荐附加的闪存容量与系统内存的比率为1:1或2.5:1。例如你使用的计算机自带内存容量为 512MB,可以购买512MB至1.25GB存储容量的闪存,配置为1GB内存容量的系统应该使用的闪存容量在1GB至2.5GB之间。

@Server 持此计算机通过网络的文件、打印、和命名管道共享。 需要的时候再打开 可以关闭
关闭后局域网,打印activity照旧;当Computer Browser Service is started, 此服务自动start。

@Security Center 监视系统安全设置和配置。 关闭

@Shell Hardware Detection 为自动播放硬件事件提供通知。 比如插U盘的时候的提示 可以关闭

@Tablet PC Input Service 启用 Tablet PC 笔和墨迹功能 可以关闭

@Task Scheduler(if can be stop) 使用户能在此计算机上配置和制定自动任务的日程。 也就是计划任务 关闭

提供电话服务 API (TAPI)支持,以便各程序控制本地计算机上的电话服务设备以及通过 LAN 同样运行该服务的服务器上的设备。设置ADSL连接或其它依赖电话线的网络需要此项目,用路由或不用电话线上网可禁用。

@Themes 为用户提供使用主题管理的经验。 关闭

@WebClient 基于 Windows 的程序能创建、访问和修改基于 Internet 的文件。主要用于WEB服务器 可以关闭
have not found a reason to have this service running. For security reasons, I recommend for this service to be disabled. It seems for web folder, WEB DAV etc. internet programs using local explorer or materials. If some MS products, such as MSN Explorer, Media Player, NetMeeting or Messenger fail to provide a particular function, try to enable this service to see if it is "required" for your configuration.

@Windows Error Reporting Service 允许在程序停止运行或停止响应时报告错误,并允许提供现有解决方案 程序错误报告 关闭

@Windows Update 自动更新 关闭

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