\documentclass{report}%\documentclass[12pt]{report}%seems only 12pt is an option for the class of report, others do not work, so not every number is meaningful and useful for the whole article.
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % indent of paragraph
\setlength{\parskip}{10pt} % distance between paragraphs
%% Because here macro:geometry is used, so the following 4 setting is invalid
\usepackage{setspace} %linespace
\onehalfspacing % or \doublespacing \setstretch{3}
\title{The Template of Latex Report}
\author{Cross Zheng\\
PhotoPhysics Research Centre\\
London South Bank University\\
% \date{17 Apr 1984}
%\fontsize{10}{15}%12pt type, with 15pt leading; compared with \large, the latter is easier.
%% the number for size of font is depending on the 'large','huge',etc,. Not each number is meaningful and useful.
% \maketitle%The title of the ``article'' with date, not suitable for report,
%% only \title,\author,\thanks,\date are the optional parameters.
%% for report, \titlepage is suitable.
Here I just list the commands I always use to decorate my reports...\emph{Cross Zheng}
without DOUBLE SLASH only emptyline
without emptyline only DOUBLE SLASH \\
DOUBLE SLASH plus emptyline\\
From above we know that DOUBLE SLASH is for newline within a paragrah,
while emptyline is for new paragraph.\\
\emph{ So DOUBLE SLASH is for new line and an empty line is for new paragraph}\\
above sentence is emphasized.
\chapter{First Chapter}
\section{Some Formats can be used in paragraph}
You may want to write things \textsf{in a sans-serif font},
or \texttt{in a typewriter font}, or \textsl{in a slanted font}
(which is \emph{slightly different} than italics).
Sometimes it pays \textsc{to write things in small capitals}.
You can next go to \textbf{bold and then \textsl{bold and slanted} and
then back to just bold} again.
\subsection{Three ways to emphasize the words}
{\em emphasize Part 1}\\%\\ + emptyline makes a new paragraph, only \\ just newline,andempty line
\emph{emphasize Part 2}\\
emphasize Part 3
%\indent % Empty line between paragraphs
\subsection{Itemize and enumerate}
The following is itemize
\begin{itemize} %\setlength{\itemsep}{-\itemsep} %here is for modification of distance between items
\item some days where nothing goes right?
\item times when you just cannot get a decent telephone connection?
\item years when drought follows drought?
\item long periods when gusts of wind come thick and fast?
The following is enumerate
\item start with a bar of some length;
\item then remove its middle third to leave two separate thirds;
\item then remove the middle thirds of these to leave four separate ninths;
\item then remove the middle thirds of these to obtain eight separate twenty-sevenths;
\item and so on.
\subsection{Figure and Table}
\begin{figure}[htp]%[htp] is for absolute position where the figure should appear. otherwize the figure will be on the top of the page.
\includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{figu.jpg} %%for pdflatex,JPEG is ok. but for dvi, EPS works.
\caption{steps in the construction of a Cantor set.}
Construct the tabular set in the following manner:
\begin{table}[htp]%[htp] is for absolute position where the figure should appear. otherwize the figure will be on the top of the page.
\begin{tabular}[t]{|c|c|} %\begin{tabular}[t]{|l|ccccc|c|} here [t] is vertical alignment,{|l|ccccc|c|} is column alignment.
%\multicolumn{2}{c}{USAMTS Scores Round 1}\\ % some kind of same with previous line,just caption here.
Object & Dimension \\
point & 0 \\
The item and enum, \S\ref{itemandenum} & AAAAAAA \\
line & 1 \\
Math and Equation, \S\ref{me} & BBBBBB \\
plane & 2 \\
How to quote, \S\ref{reftoqutote} & CCCCCCC \\
solid & 3 \\
\caption{common Euclidean and fractal objects and their fractal
\section{Math and Equation}
Here will list some different style of the maths:
\subsection{Embedded Math}
\(3\times 3\times 3 + math display style\) \\% \( and \) for math display
alternatively,it can be like this
3\times 3\times 3
\( N\propto d^{-2} \) a math in para. also it can be embedded in para like this
\frac{4A}{\pi d^2}
\subsection{Various Equations}
The followings are equations:\\
the relation between \(N \) and \( d \) involves a fractional exponent \( D \):
N\propto d^{-D}.
Such an object of the fraction \( D \). Here D is math style.
s = \frac{\delta+\theta^{2}_{3}}{\left(a+b\right)}
% s = \left(a+b\right)/\deta
s = (\delta+\theta)/\left(a+b\right)*
% s = \left(a+b\right)/\deta
If any format is unclear, one way is to use TeXnicCenter to generate the codes,
the other way is just to google.
\section{Ref to quote}
The Ref mechanism is very powerful. Even section can be quoted in another
para or table easily, no matter the appearing sequence.
In the table~\ref{T:tab1}, three sections are quoted from different
positions\footnote{The sequence is disorder, but the quote still works
Here I used footnote as another reference style.\\
Of course, the Figure~\ref{F:fig1} and Table~\ref{T:tab1} can be quoted as
normal functions. But Reference is quoted in another way by ``cite'', here~\cite{ref2}.
\begin{thebibliography}{99}% The thebibliography environment produces a bibliography or reference list. In the article style, this reference list is labeled "References"; in the report style, it is labeled "Bibliography".
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{References}% Add a chapter title to the contents page.
\bibitem{ref1} B.~B.~Mandelbrot, \emph{The fractal geometry of
nature}, 1983 .
\bibitem{ref2} H.~Kornberg, \emph{J.\ Irreducible Results}.
\bibitem{ref3} L.~F.~Richardson, somewhere and sometime in the
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