Wednesday 28 March 2007




大丁问我linux到底对engineering 有什么意义,我只能想到便宜,再有就是因为其开源,得人心者得天下,这必定是大势所趋的将来,无论从IBM,HP,DELL这样的厂商还是Motorola,都在大手笔扩充其linux产品。
再有的原因吗,那就是这个图啦。哈。why I love Linux.

1.重新编译内核时,要从/boot/grub/里找到config-'verion'-default的内核配置文件,改名为'.config'/usr/src/'新内核'文件夹下调用 make xconfig之类的命令配置再编译。
2.linux下的绝大多数程序为了得到最好的效果,一定要make, make install一下,否则问题不一定会在哪里出现。ndiswrapper这个在利用windows驱动的程序就是因为这个问题苦苦困惑了我好几天。
P.S.: The OS is SuSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10; Wireless Card is Netgear WG511 v2.
Firstly update the kernel to 2.18.1, the kernel comes with SLED 10 is 2.16.x, which doesn't support this pcmcia wireless card, namely when you run "lspci" you can not find any information about the card. But when you update your kernel to 2.18, you will find the lovely device.
Then, downoad the ndiswrapper 1.27, must make and make install on your computer, otherwise the essential step "modprobe ndiswrapper" will give you the message like "FATA Errors....".(the steps to install ndiswrapper is just "nidswrapper -i WG511v2.INF", then check by "ndiswrapper -l",after this run "ndiswrapper -m" and "modprobe ndiswrapper", the flash lamp on the card will be on.
About the driver. On my experience, what is available is just the driver for XP. You can get this driver from the CD or use some softwares which can get the drivers from your systems.
Good Luck.




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